"Greetings, this is Jake, the proprietor and chief tuning specialist here at Elite Diesel Performance.
You've landed on this page likely due to a curiosity or a pre-existing booking with us, and you're in search of a more comprehensive understanding of what we undertake here at Elite Diesel Performance.
Firstly, it’s likely you've come across terminologies such as “tuning,” “remapping,” and perhaps even “piggyback ECU” in the course of your research or discussions in automotive forums. Allow me to delve into these terms to provide some clarity.
The practice of “tuning” essentially refers to augmenting a vehicle's performance in a positive way. This could be targeted towards enhancing performance, economy, or reliability. The methodology for this improvement is multifaceted, not confined solely to the ECU. Aspects such as chips and piggyback ECU’s all fall under the wide umbrella of tuning processes, Although you will only ever see us recommend ECU Remapping or Piggyback ECU's due to the off-the shelf chips not allowing the control or customization that is required to tune a vehicle effectively.
The term “remapping,” often used in the context of tuning a common-rail diesel engine, pertains to the alteration of the factory-provided calibration map data to achieve a specific output. In other words, we're essentially redesigning the individual maps located inside the factory ECU.
A “piggyback ECU” denotes an aftermarket ECU that intercepts and modifies signals from the original ECU, subsequently outputting the revised signal to the ECU or a relevant electronic device (e.g., injectors, map signals, and rail pressure) to produce a result.
Most late model common rail diesel engines offer multiple avenues to fine-tune their performance. Our recommendations will be tailored to your specific vehicle, engine, and power objectives. If you're uncertain about your requirements, our team is readily available to guide you.
Now, when we embark on remapping an ECU, what are we actually modifying?
When we remap a vehicle, a multitude of changes are instigated. The advantage of remapping over chips and sometimes even piggyback modules is the level of control it affords us over the vehicle's driving characteristics and power and torque output.
During a typical remap, we alter parameters such as Injection Duration, Pilot Injection Duration, Torque Requests, Torque Limitations, Boost Request, Boost Pressure Limitations, VNT Mapping, Fuel Quantity Injected, Fuel Quantity Limiters, Injection Timing, Rail Pressure, Rail Pressure Limitations, Torque Monitoring, Desired Airmass, Sensor Scalings, and so forth.
These individual maps have subsequent maps that are further influenced by external factors such as altitude, temperature variations, or specific torque requests (e.g., take-off conditions or standard conditions). It's not unusual for our remaps to incorporate modifications to over 100 individual maps.
But what precisely is a “map” within this context?
A map within an ECU behaves akin to a conventional grid, containing an X and a Y axis with data populated within cells. Typically, the axes represent load and rpm, while the data within the cells constitutes the specific elements we modify.
Let's explore the process of implementing these modifications.
To start with, you ensure that your vehicle is primed for the dyno — freshly serviced and without any malfunctions or leaks. We then mount the vehicle on our dyno, connect our sensors to measure air-fuel ratios and boost, and initiate a run-up. This step allows us to gather pre-tuning data, establishing a baseline of the vehicle's current performance and output.
Following this, we utilize our tuning equipment to read the factory calibration from the ECU, generally accessed via the OBD2 port.
We then load the standard calibration file into our selection of tuning software packages. This data is a .BIN file, a binary file.
Binary files contain hexadecimal data, a form of coding language. Our software package translates this hexadecimal data into a table format, complete with x and y axes and corresponding cell data. If the software is undefined, we may need to work directly with hexadecimal data to construct a map pack. This facilitates the conversion of the hexadecimal data to tables with specific locations, axes, and data points. Though this can be a painstaking process, it's essential for effective vehicle tuning.
We then modify the calibration data to align with your tuning objectives, which typically fall into one of three categories: Economy, Towing / Touring, Power.
Once we've completed the modifications in our software, we flash the altered binary file back into the ECU, run up the vehicle, and data log to establish a new baseline. We check whether the vehicle responds as anticipated to our tuning modifications, repeating this cyclical process until we are completely satisfied with power output, torque, boost, air-fuel ratios, and the power and torque curve.
The vehicle is then dismounted from the dyno and subjected to road testing and data logging to ensure perfect drivability and alignment with customer expectations.
Upon completion, we provide you with before-and-after graphs and thoroughly explain the modifications, their effects, and some driving education about the ideal rpm range for optimum efficiency and performance from the engine.
The endeavor may seem complex — and indeed it is. That's why it's crucial to entrust your vehicle to seasoned professionals with the necessary expertise. A diesel engine, with its intricate mechanisms, when expertly handled, can deliver substantial performance enhancements, improved economy, and a markedly superior driving experience.
Tuning, however, is more than a mere quest for power. It's a delicate balance between performance and longevity, between pushing the boundaries and maintaining the integrity of the engine. Each vehicle and engine bears unique characteristics, requiring a custom approach to tuning. At Elite Diesel Performance, we are dedicated to ensuring that each tuning project aligns with the client's individual needs and aspirations, offering guidance throughout the process.
Lastly, bear in mind that peak power and torque that we make on the day is not a one-time affair. Regular maintenance and servicing are crucial to sustaining peak performance. We offer ongoing support to our clients, assisting them in maintaining their engines long after the tuning process.
Should you be contemplating diesel tuning, don't hesitate to reach out. We're more than willing to discuss your vehicle's potential and how we can assist you in realizing it. Whether your goal is increased power, better fuel efficiency, or a more enjoyable driving experience, we have you covered.
Until next time, drive safe and remember - your vehicle is only as good as its tune! Stay tuned for more educational content about diesel tuning from your trusted team at Elite Diesel Performance."